Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Experiments with Disposable Cameras

Some great ideas for playing around with your disposable camera from this article :)

● Double Exposure

I'd recently found and used up an old black&white disposable I found in a box not too long ago, and it reignited my interest in using something other than digital. So when my boyfriend and I were browsing through Gizmodo and saw the weekly contest about disposable cameras, we instantly wanted to get out of our comfort zone and try our hand at it. We bought a two pack of Fujifilm Quick Snap Flash 35mms and set out looking for ideas. I knew right off that I wanted to attempt multiple exposures. It took a few frames to finally figure it out but we got there eventually. After taking photos of random things (hoping they'd be layered), I decided I wanted more of a method to the chaos. I convinced my boyfriend to be my muse and shot different aspects of him (his hands, shoulders, arms, face, feet, and hair) against a muted backdrop so the color of his skin would be a meshed focal point. And I'm pretty happy with how it came out.

-Mai S


I used a DiFox color plus premium edition "happy click" with a 400ASA. When the bright yellow poorly fitted cardboard outside was peeled back, it revealed a disposable with Spanish printed on it, taped together with gaffer's tape at the corner. Deluxe!

My boyfriend came home with a two pack and the rules of this contest on Friday. I had a killer sinus infection, but there was a kick ass sunset in progress, so I ran around the terrace in my slippers, mostly taking photos of that. When I decided that I needed a little something extra in there, I popped this pinwheel flower that a guy I work with gave me when boyfriend and I got engaged two weeks ago. I think the soft focus in the foreground and the puffy white sunset clouds in the background make for something kind of magical. Most of my other shots were crap, but I really liked the whole "I have no idea what I just shot" aspect of shooting with this little box. I've kind of forgotten what that was like.

-Bree Bolger

● Windshield Filter
This shot was unplanned but worked out the best. It was taken through the windshield while riding in a friend's car. The blue-tinted strip of glass at the top provided a great faux cross-processed sky. Taken
with Fujifilm disposable (400 speed film), developed at Costco while I impulse-bought bulk items I didn't need, and resized in Photoshop.

-Nick Sprankle


  1. beautiful and very very interesting photos

  2. Thanks Martina :)

    We do our best to find photographer who like to experiment with photography, and of course we have Hannah who contributes her own photographs to the blog and likes to help us research!

  3. I'll have to try the car windshield one, my dad has one like that.


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